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Igloo Picture Research can help you find, source, and license the perfect pictures for your project. Just as the structural integrity of an igloo relies on carefully assembled blocks of snow, so the success of many projects depends on carefully curated images to strengthen a message or drive engagement - from beautifully illustrated coffee table books, captivating book covers or educational textbook publishing, through to interactive apps or digital marketing campaigns. Even amidst the tremendous technological advances of recent years, the power of the image as a fast and effective means of communication remains.

Ideas, Ideas!
Ideas, Creativity

Ideas, Ideas!

I do not shy away from a creative challenge.


If you are looking for fresh ideas, be it for a book cover design or for an advertising campaign, contact me to compose a joint image brief on which to base future picture research or commissions.

I can also compile preliminary subject specs from manuscripts, or interpret existing image briefs thoroughly & creatively. 

Picture Research
Picture Research, Sourcing Images for Publication

Picture Research

I can provide meticulous picture research for trade publishing, academic publishing or television broadcasting, as well as offer a more creative approach to book cover design or non-editorial projects. 


I can fall back on a wide network of image sources, ranging from local and international picture libraries to museums, smaller institutions, private collections and independent photographers.

Fee Negotiation
Fee Negotiation, Licensing Fees, Licensing Images, Picture Budget

Fee Negotiation

I can negotiate fees with image suppliers on your behalf, working together with picture libraries, museums & photographers to accommodate your budget.  This will enable you to source high quality images at an affordable price for your project. 


I can also recommend relevant public domain collections, to further help keep costs down.

Rights Clearance
Rights Clearance, Permissions, Photographic Copyright, Artistic Copyright, Third Party Rights

Rights Clearance

For Rights Managed (RM) images, I can ensure that the licence terms comply with the precise requirements of your project.


I can obtain all necessary permissions on your behalf, including photographic copyright & any additional artistic copyright clearances with artists, their estates or the relevant collecting societies. If you are working on a non-editorial project, I can also ensure that images are model-released, obtain necessary publicity rights or property rights.

Top image:  

Snow houses from "The Sea: its stirring story of adventure, peril & heroism" by Frederick Whymper, 1887.  Courtesy of The British Library. 

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